Exhibit atAREOLIS

An expert in the art market in general and the Beninese ecosystem in particular, available to artists, to prepare and organize the exhibition with them down to the smallest artistic, logistical and administrative details.
A "peace of mind" solution with the organization of an opening and edition of a digital catalog.
The communication is relayed on all the communication platforms of the ND Consultant group and Ilé Ya Africa association.
A simple and transparent price offer, from
500,000 FCFA
for an exhibition of 20 pieces of art, during 4 weeks.

Art is an integral part of life. Its origin goes back to the creation of the world, and it is even among the fundamental pillars of sacred knowledge.
Art is a means of expression of the soul and the spirit. It vibrates in the stars and in the atoms. Nature itself is a work of art thought, meditated and materialized by the Supreme Intelligence.
The growth of flowers, plants, trees, the reproduction of animals and humanoids form an artistic spectacle that inspires the sensitive heart in silence. Everything vibrates on musical notes, colors, shadow, and light.
Each sequence of life contains the divine art that only the blossoming Consciousness can capture: the beautiful flower growing intoxicates the attentive poet, the planets dance around their star-king and the child gestating in the maternal womb reconciles beauty and mysteries. What a spectacle!
Whether he is aware of it or not, art is buried in Man himself.
The plastic art remains the master discipline of all the arts, because, any creation, before being concretized, always starts with a diagram or a pencil sketch and this is the base, the source, the first element of its spiritual or material concretization.
Considering the immensity of the discipline of plastic art, the Areolis Center in partnership with the association Ilé Ya Africa propose to you moments of sharing, exchanges, visibility through plastic art exhibitions for the mental, moral, and spiritual well-being that the marvelous works of talented artists from Benin, Africa and the world offer us.
Érick Ahouansou, President of Ile Ya Africa association

currently in progress...

In the eyes
by Vianney Hervé Cossi ATTIGLA aka AVHEC
from December 17, 2022 to January 31, 2023
The visual artist Vianney Hervé Cossi ATTIGLA, better known by his artist name AVHEC, is from Grand-Popo in Benin. Aged 46, married, he has been practicing his art since 1996. Both a committed artist and a businessman, he has been evolving in the world of graphic design since his beginnings. Graphic designer, calligrapher, decorator, he distributes his art on several media, for profit or not.
He draws his inspiration from his personal experiences of course, but also from a critical observation of the world around him.
In more than twenty years of career, AVHEC has exhibited his paintings more than forty times. He thus had the privilege of having his work admired in Benin, Nigeria, the Lebanese Republic, Burkina Faso, the Russian Federation, Senegal, the United States of America and Togo, on both collective and individual exhibitions.
After a break of several months, AVHEC is now returning to the artistic scene with a new series entitled “Dans les Regards (In the Eyes)”, which will be exhibited at the Areolis gallery in Cotonou, from December 10, 2022 to January 31, 2023.
The collection of 20 paintings includes 15 new artworks produced over the past 3 years.

Year :2008
Cut :80x120cm
Technics:Acrylic on canvas